Light Curves of the Contemporary Classical and Peculiar Galactic Novae, and X-ray Transients

Classical Novae
V1419 Aql
V1425 Aql
V1493 Aql
V1494 Aql
V1548 Aql
V1663 Aql
V1831 Aql
V705 Cas
V723 Cas
V1391 Cas
V962 Cep
HV Cet
V1500 Cyg
V1974 Cyg
V2274 Cyg
V2275 Cyg
V2362 Cyg
Classical Novae
V2467 Cyg
V2468 Cyg
V2491 Cyg
V2659 Cyg
V339 Del
KT Eri
V838 Her
V959 Mon
V392 Per
V1112 Per
V4361 Sgr
V475 Sct
V496 Sct
V612 Sct
V458 Vul
V459 Vul
V606 Vul
Peculiar Novae
V838 Mon
V445 Pup
V4332 Sgr
V4334 Sgr
X-ray Transients
BQ Cam
CI Cam
V490 Cep
V934 Her
V725 Tau
V3721 Oph

Relative Objects
V1343 Aql
V1341 Cyg
V694 Mon
V960 Mon
V614 Vul

Supernovae Impostors and SN IIn
MASTER J004207.99+405501.1 = M31N 2015-1a
SN 2015bh / NGC 2770
PSN J13100734+3410514 / UGC 8246
PSN J14021678+5426205 / M101
SN 2017hcc / anon. galaxy
SN 2018zd / NGC 2146

The photoelectric and CCD observations of novae and related objects continue since 1993 with several telescopes of Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Moscow University), Special Astrophysical Observatory of the RAS, Institute for Astronomy of the RAS, and Tien-Shan Observatory of Kazakhstan. Our observers are E.A.Barsukova, A.N.Burenkov, V.P.Goranskij, E.A.Karitskaya, A.V.Kusakin, N.V.Metlova,V.G.Metlov, S.Yu.Shugarov, A.V.Zharova. The published photoelectric and CCD data are used, too.


The light curves of variable stars are reproduced and operated in this site by a Java operating software (called applet). View of these light curves needs a Java-compatible browser. You can download Java for your browser from the site by Oracle Company free of charge. The observations to be reproduced are simple ASCII files. They contain tables of Julian Dates (JD-2400000.0), magnitudes in the order of V,B,U,R,(I) and observation remarks in the columns.

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