The photoelectric and CCD observations of novae and related objects continue since 1993 with several telescopes of Sternberg Astronomical Institute (Moscow University), Special Astrophysical Observatory of the RAS, Institute for Astronomy of the RAS, and Tien-Shan Observatory of Kazakhstan. Our observers are E.A.Barsukova, A.N.Burenkov, V.P.Goranskij, E.A.Karitskaya, A.V.Kusakin, N.V.Metlova,V.G.Metlov, S.Yu.Shugarov, A.V.Zharova. The published photoelectric and CCD data are used, too. HOW TO LAUNCH LIGHT CURVES WITH JAVA IN THIS SITEThe light curves of variable stars are reproduced and operated in this site by a Java operating software (called applet). View of these light curves needs a Java-compatible browser. You can download Java for your browser from the site by Oracle Company free of charge. The observations to be reproduced are simple ASCII files. They contain tables of Julian Dates (JD-2400000.0), magnitudes in the order of V,B,U,R,(I) and observation remarks in the columns.GOOGLE is now incompatible with Java. With the Linux OS, there are no problems if Java installed. With the Internet Explorer and Java installed, the site works without failures only using VPN servers. Kaspersky Sequre Connection is an approved version. Windows OS with the Internet Explorer needs special preparation due to strong sequrity limits. To view light curve (1) Find Java pannel in your computer's control panel. (2) Open "Sequrity" bookmark, (3) use "Edit Site List" button, and (4) include the site http://vgoranskij.net in the exception site list. ![]() Then lounch browser on this site, use reference to "Light curves of the contemporary classical and peculiar novae..." and choose a star. ![]() Probably, you find a warning "Java(TM) execution blocked because version installed is out-of-date and needs updating. What is the risk? See buttons "Update" and "Run this time". Click "Run this time". ![]() Then you see the next warning. Click "Run". ![]() To study the fragments of light curves, use mouse function mouseDrag. |